Market sector: Domestic Hot Water and Heating

IEA Net Zero by 2050 Roadmap: 400 milestones but very

At an online press conference in May, IEA Executive Director Dr Fatih Birol made some surprisingly forceful statements about the global net-zero emission targets for 2050 – statements that have […]

Nuetech Solar renews Clean Development Mechanism

Nuetech Solar – which in December 2012 became India’s first solar water heater manufacturer to register a Clean Development Mechanism Programme of Activities under the UN Framework Convention on Climate […]

Global PVT market on track for more growth

PVT collectors – which use solar radiation to produce both heat and electricity – have been gaining in popularity in a rising number of markets around the world. In 2019, […]

Some good news from COVID-plagued Brazil

Brazil’s solar thermal market continued to grow in 2020 despite the pandemic taking a heavy toll on the country. According to annual statistics compiled by national solar thermal association ABRASOL, […]

SBE21 conference spotlights historic NZEBs

The SBE21 Heritage conference in mid-April involved a deep exchange of ideas between researchers, architects and practitioners about how to reduce the energy consumption of historic buildings while retaining their […]

How to design an 85 % solar-heated and 100 %

During an online meeting from 1 to 2 July, the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling programme will launch a new global research platform called Task 66 Solar Energy Buildings. The […]