Based in Brussels, the International Copper Association (ICA) Europe is the leading advocate for the copper industry in Europe. As ICA’s European branch, the organisation represents companies that mine, smelt and recycle copper for use across the economy, in the electricity system, buildings, transport and industry. Through a team of policy, industry and scientific experts, ICA Europe promotes copper as an essential material for achieving the EU’s ambition of a resilient, climate-neutral Europe and seeks to ensure that EU policies enable the sustainable production of copper to serve Europe’s future needs. was initiated by ICA Europe in 2008 with the aim of providing stakeholders from research, public and private sector all around the globe with first-class information about solar heating and cooling to stimulate market growth. The ICA Europe has supported the hosting of the website until 2021 as well as the content gathering continuously since 2008.

Please see below our most recent articles:

Difficult market environment for residential solar thermal providers in Germany

Difficult market environment for residential solar thermal providers in Germany

Fewer and fewer solar collectors are being bought in Germany: the negative trend from the previous year continued in the first quarter of 2024. Sales of solar collectors fell from just under 500 MW of capacity in 2022 to 263 MW in 2023 (see chart below). In previous years, the …
solar thermal lobbyist

“Large-scale plants are a new league that solar companies alone cannot handle”

Roger Hackstock is celebrating his 20th anniversary as a solar thermal lobbyist this year. From 2002 to 2013 and again since 2016, he has headed the Austrian association Austria Solar. He is still bursting with positive energy when he talks about the challenges facing the future of his industry. He …
PVT heat pump

“PVT heat pump systems will become standard in the Netherlands”

After France, the Netherlands has the largest specific PVT area installed per 1,000 inhabitants in Europe. At the end of 2022, a total of 111,342 m2 of PVT collectors were in operation. Between 30,000 and 40,000 m2 are added every year. A well-established Dutch industry offers PVT elements. We spoke …
Big solar heat deal

Big solar heat deal in the Chilean copper sector made possible by two people

Construction will start on three enormous solar industrial heat plants in Chile in the next months. The Chilean power utility Gasco is investing USD 71 million in three flat plate collector fields with a total capacity of 154 MW and will deliver heat for the electrowinning baths to the two …
Growing PVT production capacity

Growing production capacities of PVT collectors in Europe

European PVT manufacturers are anticipating strong growth in demand and expanding their factories. In November 2023 Abora Solar from Spain inaugurated its extended factory in Zaragoza, which has a capacity of 200,000 units per year, totalling 80 MWel. Sunmaxx PVT is building a PVT production plant in Saxony, eastern Germany, …
main drivers in Cyprus

Stable development for sunny Cyprus

In 2022 Cyprus achieved an impressive 5 % increase in its solar collector area additions, reaching the pre-Pandemic level of 74,000 m2 of newly installed collector area (51.8 MW). This growth was not only the result of the ongoing and extensive public grant schemes but also the “widespread development of …
heat transition in Germany

Largest solar industrial heat plant in Germany heats gas

Mid-November was a turbulent week for the heat transition in Germany. On 21 November, one of the largest solar process heat plants in Germany went into operation – a 1.5 MW vacuum tube collector field for a gas pressure regulating system. In the same week, HeatExpo, a trade fair specifically …
Positive Energy Districts

Step by step, the Bulgarian city of Smolyan is aiming to become an energy-positive city

At the beginning of October 2023, the EU project +CityxChange came to an end with a final conference in the Norwegian city of Trondheim. Since its launch, the two lighthouse cities Trondheim (Norway) and Limerick (Ireland), together with their so-called follower cities Alba Iulia (Romania), Pisek (Czech Republic), Võru (Estonia), …
Decarbonization – a winning card for industry

Decarbonization – a winning card for industry

Decarbonization of heat in industry is now getting a lot more attention in Brussels. The Member of Parliament Beatrice Covassi together with Solar Heat Europe organized an event at the EU Parliament on 11 October under the title “Enabling industrial decarbonization”. The 10 MW solar industrial heat plant at malt …
guaranteed solar heat yields

Guaranteed yields are standard for new solar district heating plants in Germany

Solar thermal energy is still unknown territory for many district heating companies. Contractually guaranteed solar heat yields from the turnkey provider of the collector field are therefore the rule and mitigate the risk for the investor. We spoke with Christoph Bühler, Division Manager at the German SDH plant designer Ritter …
New developments in geomembranes

New developments in geomembranes for pit heat storages

Large solar thermal systems need large heat storage capabilities. Especially if the solar heat is to contribute significantly more than 25 % to a district heating network. Pit thermal energy storage (PTES) is a cost-effective way to build large heat storage facilities with 100,000 m3 and more. A key component …
Green Heat subsidy scheme

Green Heat subsidy scheme in Flanders supports concentrating solar heat plants

Flanders, the northern region of Belgium, will see a series of concentrating solar process heat systems go into operation in the next year. The starting point is the 2.5 MW parabolic trough collector field at Avery Dennison, a leading global packaging and materials manufacturer in Turnhout, inaugurated at the beginning …