Archives: News

New at IEA SHC: Solar neighbourhood planning

Case study reporting by research platform Solar Energy in Urban Planning has recently concluded with the publication of an interactive map showing 34 case studies altogether. They demonstrate that solar […]

Solar thermal biomass drying in Chile

Grammer Solar, a German manufacturer of solar air collectors, has signed a contract with Ligno Pellets, a Chilean producer of wood pellets, for the delivery and installation of a 220 […]

Producing hot water underneath natural slates

A state-of-the-art solar thermal system has been installed under the slate roof of a castle in Ghent, Belgium. Roll-bonded Thermoslate absorbers measuring 44 m² have been integrated into the space […]

ESCO model grows in popularity in South Africa

“Our clients are cash flow positive from day one,” South African company Energy Partners claims on its website. Up until now, it has been offering heat and steam purchase agreements, […]

PV gets 285 times more subsidies as solar thermal

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency, also known as RVO, which invited applications for its renewable feed-in tariff scheme SDE+ in spring, has approved funding for 22 solar thermal systems totalling 8.4 […]

Solar heat in 10 Mexico City hospitals

Mexico City has invested Mexican Peso (MXN) 14.7 million – about EUR 672,000 – in bringing solar water heating to 10 public hospitals via PACCM, its Climate Action Programme 2012-2020. […]

RVO renewable heat incentive statistics online

Since January 2016, a subsidy scheme by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, also known as RVO, has led to the installation of 66,659 renewable heating systems in the country, the ISDE […]