Archives: News

Italy: Plans to Simplify Conto Termico Administration

Nearly two years after the start of Italian incentive programme Conto Termico, some difficulties still persist: There are currently around 7,000 applications for the programme, most of them for solar […]

China: SHC 2014 and Solar Thermal Industry Exhibition

After San Francisco, USA, and Freiburg, Germany, this year’s venue for the International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry is going to be the Chinese capital, […]

Germany: Asset Deal Finalised – Wagner Brand Lives On

On 6 September 2014, the Dutch Sanderink Holding acquired the assets of German collector manufacturer Wagner & Co Solartechnik. In a press release, the insolvency administrator, Dr Jan Markus Plathner […]

Egypt: Aiming at High-Quality Supply Chain

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly attractive and feasible option for many applications in Egypt against a backdrop of rising energy prices across the country. In July 2014, the long-announced […]

Germany: Excel-Based IRR Commercial Project Calculations

German Fresnel collector manufacturer Industrial Solar is experiencing an increasing demand from clients all around the world: “Five years ago, we received two requests per month. Now, we receive around […]

Germany: Feed-in Tariff Changes May Benefit Solar Heat

Whereas Germany’s total collector sales are dropping, solar thermal companies see a glimmer of hope for big projects because of changed feed-in tariffs in the renewable electricity sector. So far, […]