Archives: News

National Building Regulation in South Africa

Since September 2014 the extended South African National Standard SANS10400 XA is in force that stipulates that a minimum volume fraction of 50 % of the annual average heating requirement […]

Portugal: Market Transformation in Time of Crisis

The Portuguese solar thermal market seemed to have stabilised in 2014: The first estimates by the Portuguese national solar industry association, Apisolar, show that the collector area sold last year […]

Poland: Swiss Contribution Ups Solar Thermal Funding

The binational cooperation between Switzerland and Poland to support solar thermal technology has reached the halfway mark: According to the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), there were around […]

Brazil: Chinese Technology Dominates Imports

Brazil´s solar thermal market grew by 20 % in 2012 and 2013, and therefore has been attracting an increasing number of international suppliers. Imports, mainly from China, have tripled since […]