Archives: News

Bulgaria: BEERECL Programme Extended

A couple of years ago, Bulgaria began to support solar thermal systems by providing a combination of grants and loans for their installation. The so-called Residential Energy Efficiency Credit Line […]

60 Solar Cities in India

Nagpur city in central India – one of 60 solar cities in India supported by the government. An ambitious programme by the Indian federal Ministry of New and Renewable Energy […]

Cautious Optimism in Germany

The German solar thermal industry rides roller coaster. After a 40 % decrease in 2007 and a 120 % increase in 2008, the outlook for this year still remains foggy. […]

Tremendous Market Growth in Germany

The German solar thermal market more than doubled in 2008. According to the solar industry association BSW-Solar and the heating industry association BDH; 2.1 million m2 of new collector area […]

Monopoly on Laser Welding in the USA

Laser welding machine for absorber sheets: A patent in the United States could slowdown the development of this technology. Photo: Sunlaser Consulting

Solar cooling: a new Field for Simulations

Solar cooling is a promising new field of application for solar thermal technology. A new version of the simulation software Polysun will be published in April. It will not only […]

South Africa: Rebates up to 30 %

90 % of South Africa’s electricity is generated by coal-fired power stations. The fourth quarter of 2007, however, started with massive power cuts as electricity supply fell behind demand. Eskom, […]

Solar Thermal Energy in Antarctica

Surviving in harsh climate: This vacuum tube collector system has heated the Brandfield House at the Rothera research station in the Antartic since February 2008. Photo: British Antarctic Survey

The Cap is Gone

U.S. President Obama’s signature on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act effectively removed the existing US$2,000 cap for the tax rebate of residential solar thermal systems. Whoever buys a new […]

Middle East discovers Solar Thermal Technology

Valuable business contacts: Robert Welling with his company Tisun was the only solar thermal manufacturer from Europe at the fair in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in the middle of […]