Archives: News

ESCO model grows in popularity in South Africa

“Our clients are cash flow positive from day one,” South African company Energy Partners claims on its website. Up until now, it has been offering heat and steam purchase agreements, […]

PV gets 285 times more subsidies as solar thermal

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency, also known as RVO, which invited applications for its renewable feed-in tariff scheme SDE+ in spring, has approved funding for 22 solar thermal systems totalling 8.4 […]

Solar heat in 10 Mexico City hospitals

Mexico City has invested Mexican Peso (MXN) 14.7 million – about EUR 672,000 – in bringing solar water heating to 10 public hospitals via PACCM, its Climate Action Programme 2012-2020. […]

RVO renewable heat incentive statistics online

Since January 2016, a subsidy scheme by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, also known as RVO, has led to the installation of 66,659 renewable heating systems in the country, the ISDE […]

Solar thermal in agri-food industry

Four industrial sites owned by businesses producing goods for the agri-food sector will be the real test of whether solar process heat can gain a foothold in the industry. The […]

Brazil´s enormous SHIP potential

Tens of thousands of companies in Brazil’s industry could be interested in using solar heat, as shown by the chart at the beginning of this news article. Businesses which require […]

Successful solar energy bylaw in Bengaluru, India

Bengaluru Electricity Supply Company, a public utility also known as BESCOM, has been successful in implementing a bylaw to encourage the use of solar energy. Since 2009, 1,234 million m² […]