Archives: News

Mexican quality standard published but not yet in force

The implementation of Mexico’s new NOM-027-ENER/SCFI-2018 standard on solar water heaters has been postponed. Following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation on 28 August 2018, it was […]

“The workshop was extremely helpful”

In early January, the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) hosted a meeting between industry associations and renewable heating experts in Brussels. The objective of this half-day workshop, co-organised by […]

#SolarHeat: the main Twitter hashtag

#SolarThermal or #SolarHeat: Which of these two Twitter hashtags or keywords better represents the production of thermal energy from sunlight? Because of some recent, large concentrating solar power (CSP) projects, […]

Building regulations stabilise Spanish market

According to national solar energy association ASIT, the Spanish solar thermal market was up by 2 % and added 205,530 m2 (144 MWth) of collector area in 2018 compared to […]

Up to 55 % investment subsidy for solar process heat

Solar process heat has been a focus of Germany’s Market Rebate Programme, or MAP, since 2013. Last year, the programme’s managers noted increased interest in MAP funding, with 76 applicants […]