Archives: News

Poland: a Coalition Setting High Solar Thermal Targets

Grzegorz Wisniewski (left), President of the Institute of Renewable Energy (IEO) in Warsaw, initiated the foundation of a coalition between solar thermal manufacturers and distributors during the second Solar Energy […]

“There is an unbeatable Cost-Effectiveness“

Volker Kallwellis, head of development department at Wagner & Co Solartechnik, Cölbe, Germany published the following statement in the international magazine Sun & Wind Energy 7/2009 about the advantages of […]

Effects of the Spanish Solar Thermal Obligation

David Pérez from the international consultancy firm eclareon, Madrid, took a closer look at the impact of the Spanish solar thermal obligation on demand, products and the value chain, and […]

Large-Scale Solar District Heating in Denmark

802 collectors mounted in only three months: the inauguration of the latest solar district heating system by the Danish collector manufacturer Arcon Solvarme took place in the town of Gram […]

5 Star Standard: Western Australia Adds the “Plus”

The Government of Western Australia aims to increase the efficiency of water heating systems in new residential buildings.  The 5 Star Plus energy and water efficiency requirements stipulate that new […]