Companie: CSTIF

“Triple supply has shown significant development”

Hongzhi Cheng is one of the most experienced solar thermal market researchers in China. Cheng is Deputy Secretary-General at the China Solar Thermal Industry Federation (CSTIF) based in Beijing and […]

China: SHC 2014 and Solar Thermal Industry Exhibition

After San Francisco, USA, and Freiburg, Germany, this year’s venue for the International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry is going to be the Chinese capital, […]

China: 2013 Market Statistics and Trends

In cooperation with the China Association of Rural Energy Industry (CAREI), the China Solar Thermal Industry Federation (CSTIF) held its annual meeting in Zhuhai, a city in Guangdong Province, on […]

China: Flat Plate Collector Share is Growing

Prof Guangming Xie is a well-known expert on the solar thermal industry in China and Executive President of the China Solar Thermal Industry Federation (CSTIF). He had been a researcher […]

China: 500 Participants at Annual CSTIF Meeting

The annual conference of the China Solar Thermal Industry Federation (CSTIF), which took place in Beijing in the middle of December, attracted more than 500 participants from the Chinese solar […]

China: Industry Increased Export Business 12-fold

Within 6 years, the Chinese solar thermal industry increased its export business 12-fold, from USD 20 million in 2005 to USD 250 million in 2010. In 2011, the newly installed […]