Country: Brazil

Brazil: Bosch Buys Collector and Tank Manufacturer Heliotek

The Thermotechnology Division of Bosch will be the first international manufacturer with a manufacturing unit for collectors and tanks in Brazil. Through its division Bosch Thermotechnology, the company is planning the […]

Brazil: Quality Labelling Inmetro Soon Mandatory

Brazilian Labeling Programme PBE – so far a voluntary label - will become mandatory within the next two years. After the transition period of 24 months, all of the around […]

EN ISO 9806: Upcoming Global Collector Standard

In February, Ulrich Fritzsche took the collector manufacturers that were gathered at the SMEThermal 2012 conference on a special tour around the globe. His presentation in Berlin, Germany, listed the […]

Swiss Bank Sarasin: World Market Reaches 45 GWth in 2011

This week, the Swiss Bank Sarasin published the 12th edition of their solar industry report, covering all three solar technologies: solar heating and cooling (ST), photovoltaics (PV), and concentrating solar […]

Solar Cooling Market to experience big Changes

According to Dr Uli Jakob, Vice President of the “Green Chiller - Association for Sorption Cooling”, the solar cooling sector may soon experience a shift from small series production of […]