Six Pillar: Finance and Incentives

Great Britain: Performance of UK Green Deal Scheme

UK Energy Minister Greg Barker, initiator of The Green Deal, called it a “flagship energy efficiency programme” during the launch of the scheme in the beginning 2013. One and half […]

Argentina: San Luis Province Promotes Solar Thermal

The Plan Provincial Termosolar, which originated from the Plan Estratégico de Energía 2012-2025, promotes the use of solar thermal technology in several small towns in central Argentina’s San Luis Province. […]

USA: Solar Thermal Focus against the Mainstream

Massachusetts has one of the best solar thermal rebate schemes in the US and the subsidy levels were raised again in September 2014. Since then, commercial systems have been rebated […]

Spain: Barcelona Approves Solar Thermal Incentives

In July 2014, the Barcelona City Council approved a EUR 11.3 million subsidy scheme for rooftop renovation and green roofs development (see the attached flyer), including incentives for the installation […]

Chile: Bad News No Longer

Ten months after the end of the tax credit scheme included in Law 20.365, the new government of President Michelle Bachelet in Chile has been taking steps to promote new […]

Italy: Plans to Simplify Conto Termico Administration

Nearly two years after the start of Italian incentive programme Conto Termico, some difficulties still persist: There are currently around 7,000 applications for the programme, most of them for solar […]