Country: USA

European Facilities Testing Products for the US Market

Accredited for SRCC testing: The SPF Institute for Solar Technology from Switzerland is one of six European testing institutes being able to test collectors according to quality standards by the […]

Arizona: Solar Pre-heating for Sports Drinks

It is one of the world's most efficient solar thermal installations: the solar thermal pre-heating system, which Gatorade, a subsidiary of the US-American soft drink producer PepsiCo, had installed this […]

50 % Growth and Other Achievements in the USA

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) estimates in its latest publication, “U.S. Solar Industry Year in Review 2008”, that the solar thermal market in the United States has grown by […]

“I have several major goals at this point”

He has the US solar thermal industry behind him. Les Nelson was re-elected as Chair of the Solar Thermal Division at the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) at the beginning […]

Monopoly on Laser Welding in the USA

Laser welding machine for absorber sheets: A patent in the United States could slowdown the development of this technology. Photo: Sunlaser Consulting

The Cap is Gone

U.S. President Obama’s signature on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act effectively removed the existing US$2,000 cap for the tax rebate of residential solar thermal systems. Whoever buys a new […]

Middle East discovers Solar Thermal Technology

Valuable business contacts: Robert Welling with his company Tisun was the only solar thermal manufacturer from Europe at the fair in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in the middle of […]

Enlarging Testing Facilities for SRCC in the USA

The extension of the federal tax credits by eight years and the election of Barack Obama have suddenly made the U.S. market for solar thermal energy far more attractive. The […]