Market sector: Solar District Heating

First SDH system in Sub-Saharan Africa

On 15 May, the Austrian Ambassador to South Africa inaugurated two landmark projects that had received support from SOLTRAIN, the Southern African Solar Thermal Training and Demonstration Initiative, during planning […]

GBP 320 million for low-carbon heat networks

Heat networks have proved to be a reliable and cost-effective means to supply low-carbon thermal energy. And yet, just 2 % of buildings in the UK are connected to them. […]

#SolarHeat: the main Twitter hashtag

#SolarThermal or #SolarHeat: Which of these two Twitter hashtags or keywords better represents the production of thermal energy from sunlight? Because of some recent, large concentrating solar power (CSP) projects, […]

“The market requires simple plug-and-play solutions”

Spanish-based supplier Endef is seeing increased demand for both its covered and uncovered PV-thermal systems produced in-house in Saragossa. Last year was the first in which the business installed devices […]

District heating in smart cities drives market

A new report published in December 2018 expects the global district heating market to grow by over USD 43.2 billion between 2018 and 2022, at an average rate of around […]

Five new solar-bioenergy villages in Germany

Five German bioenergy villages added solar fields to their district heating systems in 2018. It was a significant increase over 2017 and 2016, when only one larger field was commissioned […]