Archives: News

Second Arcon-Sunmark SDH system up and running in Tibet

In the middle of November, Chinese-Danish joint venture Solareast Arcon-Sunmark Large-Scale Solar Systems Integration started up its second solar district heating system in Tibet. Now, its 35,000 m² solar field […]

Kenya scales up SWH experts training

More than a year after Kenya’s parliament annulled the solar building regulations, the government is still scaling up the training of experts in the installation, maintenance and repair of solar […]

Kyotherm wins 2019 SHC Solar Award

Kyotherm, a French-based third-party investor, has won the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling programme’s Solar Award for financing energy service companies (ESCOs) so end users in the industrial sector can […]

Start of SHC/SWC 2019 in Chile

As many as two Chilean government ministers welcomed attendees to the joint SHC 2019 and SWC 2019 conference in the capital of Santiago this week: Energy Minister Juan Carlos Jobet […]

All-renewable future for Europe

Reaching a 100 % renewable heating and cooling target across Europe by 2050 will only be possible if there is strong and resolute political support to accelerate the market adoption […]

Solar heat for largest private hospital in Bogotá

A new solar water heating system consisting of 220 flat plate collectors, as well as six air-to-water heat pumps used as backup energy supply, came into operation in Colombia’s capital […]