Japanese apartment house with flat plate collectors in the balcony: Is this the solar thermal future of Tokyo? In the next two years the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office (TMG) wants […]
Solarthermalworld.org spoke with Jiao Qingtai, vice president of the Chinese collector manufacturer Sunrain Solar Energy Co., at the Intersolar in Munich at the end of May about the advantages and […]
On the 15th of May, the city of Graz saw the inauguration of another large-scale solar thermal installation (from left): Dr. Wolfgang Messner (Graz AG), Andrea Pavlovec-Meixner and Sonja Grabner […]
Mobile sanitary container for trouble spots around the world: A thermosiphon system from Australia's collector manufacturer Solahart supplies the emergency accommodation with hot water by the sun. Photo: Solahart
Two ministries – one strategy: The minister for the economy, Reinhold Mitterlehner, and the minister for the environment, Niki Berlakovich, introduced Austria's new incentive measures for solar thermal in April […]
A good example for solar heating: a semidetached house with a collector area of 92 m2. According to the roadmap of the Austrian Institute for Renewable Technologies, AEE Intec, it […]
The Karnataka State Energy Department plans to set up at least 100,000 solar thermal roofs over the next five years, in order to become the number one in India in […]
Marek Szymanski, technical department manager of the Polish collector manufacturer Watt, spoke with solarthermalworld.org about the problems they had with the vacuum tube collectors in the beginning. Photo: Watt
Estec2009 – a meeting point for solar thermal experts in Europe: Around 400 representatives of associations, as well as manufacturers, politicians and researchers discussed trends, potentials and obstacles of the […]
The state of Rio de Janeiro is the front runner in terms of solar building codes on a state level. In January 2008, its state government approved a law that […]