Keyword: market development

Turkey: Vacuum Tubes on the Rise

Vacuum tube technology is gaining influence on the Turkish market. Between 2007 and 2011, the share of vacuum tubes among the total newly installed collector area in the country increased […]

Argentina: ASADES’ Network for Solar Energy

Non-profit organisation ASADES has been promoting renewable energies in Argentina for 35 years. Nowadays, it is coordinating the efforts of the participating groups. Just recently, it has also launched a […]

Portugal: Last Quarter Exceeds Expectations

In the last quarter of 2011, the Portuguese solar thermal market has seen a sudden spike in sales, allowing the newly installed collector area per year to surpass 125,000 m² […]

China: Industry Increased Export Business 12-fold

Within 6 years, the Chinese solar thermal industry increased its export business 12-fold, from USD 20 million in 2005 to USD 250 million in 2010. In 2011, the newly installed […]

Australia: Second Decline in a Row

The Australian solar thermal market has not actually recovered since the boom year 2009. According to the Head of the Renewable Department of Rheem Australia Pty Ltd, Chris Mundy, the […]