Companie: Sonnenkraft

Romania: Signs of Recovery at Bucharest’s RomTherm

The Romtherm, the international exhibition for heating, cooling and air conditioning, has become a meeting point for solar thermal system suppliers in Romania. Installation companies in the field of heating, […]

Europe: Robin Welling new President of ESTIF

The new President of the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) is Robin Welling, Managing Director of Austrian collector manufacturer and system supplier Tisun, as well as Managing Director of […]

Poland: Comprehensive Market Survey

Flat plate collectors are still the dominating technology on the Polish solar thermal market. The share of vacuum tube collectors, however, increased from 17 to 31 % within two years. […]

Solar Thermal in the Far East of Russia

“Made in Germany” is a brand in Russia: These vacuum tube collectors from Sonnenkraft were shipped around half the globe to be installed on a single-family building in the far […]