Large solar thermal systems need large heat storage capabilities. Especially if the solar heat is to contribute significantly more than 25 % to a district heating network. Pit thermal energy […]
For decades, the Danish solar district heating sector has been a shining example for the world. And with the help of combining heat pumps with solar thermal, the market could […]
An expert panel has now picked four winning ideas from the 252 submitted for the Helsinki Energy Challenge, which gave stakeholders in the energy market a chance to put forward […]
United in their drive to get rid of fossil fuel-fired heating, Denmark’s district energy providers spent years putting up a network of solar thermal systems, large ones in particular. But […]
Denmark has consolidated its lead in the global solar district heating market, as capacity topped 1 GWth in August. The 112 solar district heating plants that are now in operation […]
Approximately 33.3 GWth of new solar thermal capacity was commissioned in 2018, increasing total global capacity by 2 % to around 480 GWth. China accounted for about 74 % of […]
Denmark’s turnkey system suppliers are dominating the European solar district heating market. Over the past weeks, they have begun construction on five solar fields larger than 10,000 m² (7 MWth), […]
Denmark has had a successful learning curve regarding to the cost and efficiency of seasonal pit heat storage, which is used to store sunlight in summer for heating purposes in […]
Heat networks have proved to be a reliable and cost-effective means to supply low-carbon thermal energy. And yet, just 2 % of buildings in the UK are connected to them. […]
In the Western Balkans, one of Europe’s southernmost regions, large district heating networks are a common sight. Some of those are run at return temperatures as low as 45 °C, […]