Companie: Fraunhofer ISE

Industrial solar heat strategy and training

The SHIP training course that took place in São Paulo from November 12 to 14 was well-received by those attending it. Almost 40 engineers, planners and industry representatives participated in […]

Solar heat for desalination and metal recovery

Small desalination systems could help fight water scarcity, recover precious metals from industrial water, and treat wastewater from food processing so it can be re-used for field irrigation. These are […]

German Energy consultants recommend solar thermal

The solar thermal industry cannot complain about a lack of enthusiasm among energy consultants: When asked in a survey by Task 54 of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme […]

App-controlled solar thermal equipment

Even though the European market for solar thermal controllers has become more diverse over the last years, the number of suppliers has remained the same, a market survey has found. […]

Initial pilot plants for industrial solar steam

Concentrating solar heat is a valuable energy resource in Morocco, especially for industrial applications. A call for project proposals has invited businesses to submit plans for constructing industrial solar heat […]

Quality and certification can push solar markets

That a wider use of quality standards in the solar thermal sector leads to increased internationalisation and cost saving for manufacturers was the conclusion of those listening to a webinar […]

ISEC 2018: Working across technological boundaries

The first International Sustainable Energy Conference, or ISEC for short, was held in October, and it was a roaring success. The three-day gathering of renewable experts in Graz, Austria, was […]