Lisa Frantzis, Managing Director for Renewable and Distributed Energy at Navigant Consulting, has recently completed a study on the history, system types and supply chain of the solar thermal industry. […]
North America’s iron workers gain knowledge in green technology: In October, the International Iron Workers Union announced that it has developed the first Solarwall installer training programme for their members. […]
Chairwoman of the newly founded Solar Power Task Force in India: Aparna Doshi, Chief Operating Officer of India-headquartered Astonfield, a renewable energy facilitator. She shares the post with Bryan Ashley, […]
The California Solar Initiative (CSI) – Thermal Program began accepting applications for commercial systems on 8 October 2010. A month before this important date, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) […]
Chile's first - and so far, only - collector manufacturer is producing its collectors at the Colina 1 jail in Santiago de Chile. The workers earn a wage which allows […]
Solar water heater systems in the state of Wisconsin: The number of commercial systems made a big jump in 2009, whereas the market for residential systems stagnated. The photo shows […]
Another transatlantic solar partnership: Adam Farrell, CEO of North American solar thermal importer and system supplier Sunmaxx Solar, and Klaus Mischensky, CEO of Austrian collector manufacturer Geo-Tec Solar Industries, announced […]
The first financing measure in the framework of New York's Solar Thermal Roadmap is about to be implemented: Very soon, solar thermal technology will be the next technology to profit […]
The New York Solar Thermal Roadmap is ready for implementation: 130 stakeholders teamed up to form The Solar Energy Consortium (TSEC), which was to develop a state-wide solar vision and […]
One box on three Euro palettes brings the desalination unit to the site: The MiniSal 1000 purifies up to 1,000 litres of sea or brackish water per day like this […]