Market sector: Solar District Heating

China’s future role in the IEA SHC Programme

The Chinese solar thermal market shows a varied picture of demand. While subsectors such as solar space heating are booming, total market volume continues to decline. spoke with two […]

Large prefab SDH collectors: design and yields

Collector size is key when designing solar thermal systems for use in district heating and industry. Roughly speaking, the larger the individual collectors, the easier it will be to install […]

IEA Net Zero by 2050 Roadmap: 400 milestones but very

At an online press conference in May, IEA Executive Director Dr Fatih Birol made some surprisingly forceful statements about the global net-zero emission targets for 2050 – statements that have […]

New chair for IEA SHC Programme on growth path

The new Chair of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, also known as IEA SHC, is Tomas Olejniczak, an all-around energy transition and renewable energy expert at the Netherlands […]

Energy Community aims for 0.01 % to 3 % solar

Vienna-based Energy Community’s launch of a Heating and Cooling Network in September 2020 was a clear indication that it wants to move beyond its current focus on renewable electricity and […]