Country: China

SDH system with parabolic troughs in Tibet

Tibet’s first solar district heating plant made up of parabolic trough collectors was put into operation in late October, confirmed Vicot Solar Technology, the turnkey solar field supplier based in […]

Second Arcon-Sunmark SDH system up and running in Tibet

In the middle of November, Chinese-Danish joint venture Solareast Arcon-Sunmark Large-Scale Solar Systems Integration started up its second solar district heating system in Tibet. Now, its 35,000 m² solar field […]

Green heat policies in China benefit heat pumps

Several provinces in northern China have implemented green heat policies to avoid air pollution from coal boilers. Beijing was the first province to create a policy in 2016 and others, […]

Sales increased in 10 of the key markets 2018

Approximately 33.3 GWth of new solar thermal capacity was commissioned in 2018, increasing total global capacity by 2 % to around 480 GWth. China accounted for about 74 % of […]

SHC solar award: Six successful business models

The focus of this year’s Solar Award of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (IEA SHC) will be on technology suppliers and financial service providers that have created successful […]

PV-Thermal collector area tops 1 million

PV-Thermal systems, which generate heat and electricity from the same collector, are gaining ever more traction: For the first time, they have now been included in the Solar Heat Worldwide […]

The versatility of concentrating collectors

By the end of 2018, more than 500,000 m² of concentrating collector area had been installed globally to provide heat for large commercial and industrial facilities. The biggest installations were […]