Six Pillar: Finance and Incentives

GGF funds 1,400 solar thermal systems in 10 years

The Luxembourg-based Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has recently entered its 11th year in operation. A pioneering public-private partnership, it was launched by the European Investment Bank and the German […]

High scrappage bonus for oil boilers

Germany has seen growing demand for solar energy and other renewable heating solutions since the beginning of this year. On 1 January, the country’s Market Rebate Programme, also known as […]

Energy spatial plans ban fossil fuel heating in Vienna

Austria’s capital Vienna is one of several European cities that have announced wide-ranging plans to tackle climate change. In 2014, its council published a framework strategy, called Smart City Wien, […]

UK: “Solar heat has fallen out of awareness against PV”

When the British Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) started in November 2011, solar thermal specialists all around Europe were enthusiastic about the implementation of a pure performance-based incentive for non-domestic applications. […]

Why was there such a drastic drop in the demand

The British Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for homeowners was a successful programme. Between 2014 and 2019, in total 47,641 homes received funding for renewable heating systems. After a good start […]

Kyotherm wins 2019 SHC Solar Award

Kyotherm, a French-based third-party investor, has won the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling programme’s Solar Award for financing energy service companies (ESCOs) so end users in the industrial sector can […]

15 MW SDH plant inaugurated in Latvia

On 12 September, district heating operator Salaspils Siltums inaugurated a 21,672 m² solar field and a wood chip boiler, put up in the middle of the woods near the town […]