Country: USA

Heliogen successfully raises equity capital

Solar tower supplier Heliogen started 2022 with full bank accounts. At the end of December the US-based company first received a USD 39 million award from the Department of Energy […]

Start-ups develop new high-temperature storage solutions

At the end of May, representatives for Norwegian EnergyNest, Swedish Azelio and US Malta joined a webinar organised by Spanish agency ATA Insights to talk about their companies’ innovative, cost-competitive […]

Europe holds top spot for SHIP incentives

Spain has recently launched an investment grant scheme focused on industrial solar heat, joining an already long list of European countries – including Austria, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands […]

SRCC revises standards to enforce labelling and PVT testing

In early December 2020, three revised Solar Rating & Certification Corporation standards cleared an important hurdle, receiving the Solar Thermal Standard Consensus Committee’s stamp of approval. Following final submission to […]

Assessing lighting quality in commercial buildings

How effective are integrated daylighting and electric lighting solutions in raising comfort and saving energy? To answer this question, a group of researchers working under the auspices of the IEA […]