Country: Chile

Go-to-market strategies for industrial solar heat

Within the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, preparations have been made to establish a new international research platform focusing on nearly market-ready technology and processes for industrial solar heat […]

SHC 2019: Call for papers open until February

In 2019, the International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry (SHC) will again take place together with the ISES Solar World Congress (SWC). The events will […]

Solar thermal biomass drying in Chile

Grammer Solar, a German manufacturer of solar air collectors, has signed a contract with Ligno Pellets, a Chilean producer of wood pellets, for the delivery and installation of a 220 […]

IEA´s Renewables Outlook 2017-2022

The IEA’s Renewables 2017 market report was launched in London in early October. The document, which had been called Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report until last year, is published annually and […]

MENA/Chile: Concentrating Solar Benchmark Costs

A tender for 94.5 USD/MWhel in Dubai and an R&D initiative called SunShot in the United States have shown how the cost of concentrated solar power (CSP) could be lowered […]

Chile: Solar Thermal Market Moves at Half Throttle

One year after the relaunch of the tax credit scheme for solar thermal systems in February 2016 (Law 20.897), some preliminary figures show a small increase of Chile’s solar market. […]