Market sector: Domestic Hot Water and Heating

Portugal: Market Transformation in Time of Crisis

The Portuguese solar thermal market seemed to have stabilised in 2014: The first estimates by the Portuguese national solar industry association, Apisolar, show that the collector area sold last year […]

Poland: Swiss Contribution Ups Solar Thermal Funding

The binational cooperation between Switzerland and Poland to support solar thermal technology has reached the halfway mark: According to the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), there were around […]

Spain: Andalusia Incentives Continue Until June 2015

The good results achieved by the Andalusian solar thermal incentive scheme, Prosol, have encouraged the regional government to extend the programme, but only until June 2015. Prosol subsidies cover up […]

Geo-Solar House Design Made in Romania

Between 19 and 21 November 2014, the seventh Renexpo South-East Europe fair in Bucharest, Romania, brought together 100 companies from across 12 European countries. The Palace Hall seemed to be […]

Tunisia: Ups and Downs of Prosol Subsidy Scheme

Tunisia’s incentive and low-interest loan scheme Prosol can already celebrate its tenth anniversary next year. Since 2005, the Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas, STEG, has been managing the programme, […]