Country: Israel

Ariston Group acquires Chromagen

At the beginning of the year the Italian Ariston Group completed its acquisition of the Israeli solar thermal system pioneer manufacturer Chromagen Hot Water Solutions. According to a press release […]

Tigi’s IPO raised around USD 10 million

The Israeli collector producer and project developer Tigi has joined the small group of solar heat companies worldwide that are stock market listed. Tigi’s IPO (initial public offering) was on […]

PV-Thermal collector area tops 1 million

PV-Thermal systems, which generate heat and electricity from the same collector, are gaining ever more traction: For the first time, they have now been included in the Solar Heat Worldwide […]

Israeli firm offers large variety of PVT systems

Homes, hospitals, hotels, industrial facilities and greenhouses (see photo): These are some of the many uses for turnkey PV systems produced by Millennium Solar, an Israeli business which was set […]

Solar industrial heat market – a 2017 survey

2017 was a record year for systems providing solar heat for industrial processes, since at least 110 large ones adding up to 192,580 m² were put into operation. This has […]