Six Pillar: Policy

Solar Thermal Roadmap for New York State

Stepping out of the shadow of photovoltaics: A New York Solar Thermal Consortium (STC) launched plans to draft a Solar Thermal Road Map for New York State, which aims to […]

Solar India Mission: 20 Million m2 by 2022

The recently published Solar India Mission places its emphasis on large-scale application of solar thermal technology. The photo shows a typical solar thermal installation on a housing estate in India. […]

Holland Solar celebrates its 25th Anniversary

Celebrating 25 years of Holland Solar: Amersfoort won the award for the best solar thermal community in the Netherlands. The picture shows Pauline Sparenburg from the climate and energy administration […]

Australian Solar Cooling Interest Group

Independent solar cooling specialists and lobbyists: Dr Paul Kohlenbach (left) initiated the Australian Solar Cooling Interest Group (ausSCIG) and Dr. Uli Jakob initiated the Green Chiller Association for Sorption Cooling […]

Poland: a Coalition Setting High Solar Thermal Targets

Grzegorz Wisniewski (left), President of the Institute of Renewable Energy (IEO) in Warsaw, initiated the foundation of a coalition between solar thermal manufacturers and distributors during the second Solar Energy […]

Effects of the Spanish Solar Thermal Obligation

David Pérez from the international consultancy firm eclareon, Madrid, took a closer look at the impact of the Spanish solar thermal obligation on demand, products and the value chain, and […]

5 Star Standard: Western Australia Adds the “Plus”

The Government of Western Australia aims to increase the efficiency of water heating systems in new residential buildings.  The 5 Star Plus energy and water efficiency requirements stipulate that new […]