Market sector: Domestic Hot Water and Heating

Megawatt installations on the rise

The solar heating and cooling markets show a reversing trend. The majority of the largest markets outside of China saw demand increase for the first time since 2015. This trend […]

German Energy consultants recommend solar thermal

The solar thermal industry cannot complain about a lack of enthusiasm among energy consultants: When asked in a survey by Task 54 of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme […]

Demand falls as Kenya ends solar thermal regulations

In August 2018, Kenya’s parliament revoked the rules that stipulated the installation of solar thermal systems in buildings needing more than 100 litres of hot water per day. Drafted by […]

ESCO solar heat projects in Spain

More and more system suppliers are offering solar heat supply contracts, which reflects a growing trend in the solar heating and cooling market. And while most see Energy Service Companies, […]

SWOT analysis of building-integrated solar systems

Which solar envelope systems are available for sale and what are their main features? A new report that is being drafted in Task 56 (Building Integrated Solar Envelope Systems for […]

Strong vacuum tube collector sales in India

Despite a booming solar PV market, India’s solar thermal industry managed to increase sales by as much as 17 % in 2018. It sold 5.85 million vacuum tubes (2017: 4.59 […]

Remote control cuts energy bill

The heating industry is becoming increasingly digital, as evidenced by several new types of remote-control devices that were on display in the Energy halls of this year’s ISH, the world’s […]

C&I solar heat gains popularity in Mexico

The Mexican solar thermal market continued to grow slightly in 2018. The newly installed collector area was up by 4 %, although some government programmes were stopped or changed because […]