Archives: News

Concentrating solar heat for dairies in India

A one-day workshop titled Solar – A Green Energy Alternate to Augmented Dairy Farmers’ Income has given stakeholders a chance to discuss how to increase solar heat use in India’s […]

“SDH – a proven technology with a long track record

In as little as nine months, a Chinese-Danish joint venture named Arcon-Sunmark Large-Scale Solar Systems Integration built its first solar district heating plant in Tibet, commissioning the installation in mid-December […]

App-controlled solar thermal equipment

Even though the European market for solar thermal controllers has become more diverse over the last years, the number of suppliers has remained the same, a market survey has found. […]

Solar air conditioning at Swiss embassy in India

The Swiss embassy in New Delhi has expressed satisfaction with the performance of the solar thermal cooling system started up at the complex in early 2017. It was designed and […]

Drainback solution for industrial sector

Four weeks ago, Belgian technology supplier Sunoptimo started up a solar thermal turnkey system at Lys Services, a tank cleaning company based in Merville, in northern France. The hydraulic components […]

Innovative solar-assisted heat pumps

The principal objective of a recently launched, EU-funded project named SunHorizon is to optimise solar-assisted heat pump systems in residential and commercial buildings. The endeavour will demonstrate a wide variety […]

SHC 2019: Call for papers open until February

In 2019, the International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry (SHC) will again take place together with the ISES Solar World Congress (SWC). The events will […]