Archives: News

Slovenia: Falling sales despite funding increase

In February, Slovenia adopted its Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan, intending to make buildings across the country carbon neutral by 2050. As a next step, the southeast European country […]

Collector factory starts up in Saint Petersburg

Growing demand for renewable heat solutions in Russia has prompted Silagnis, a privately owned engineering business based in Saint Petersburg, to put up a factory to produce heat pumps and […]

The best way to renovate Europe’s building stock

One area that requires immediate action, according to the European Commission’s Green Deal, is the renovation of the continent’s building stock. After all, the EU’s aim is to become climate […]

Region with high solar ambitions joins IEA SHC

One of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme’s new sponsors is SACREEE, the Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, set up by the Southern African Development Community (SADC), […]

Ups and downs in the 20 largest markets 2019

China again led the ranking for new installations of glazed and unglazed collectors – accounting for 73% of the total – followed by Turkey, India, Brazil and the United States. […]

Support the European Solar Thermal Industry Pledge

Today, Brussels-based Solar Heat Europe launched a brand-new initiative called The Solar Thermal Industry Pledge – Delivering a Green Recovery. The aim is to see as many organisations as possible […]

Digital lighting controls improve user satisfaction

Designing energy-efficient lighting for offices and public buildings requires a deep understanding of user requirements. Although smart lighting solutions can lower electricity consumption significantly, building users want some sort of […]