Archives: News

Denmark: 23 MWth Cover 55 % of Heat Demand of

The new seasonal pit heat storage Sunstore 4 is at the heart of Marstal´s extended solar district heating network. The town on the Danish island of Aeroe receives 55 % […]

Brazil: Solar Thermal Market Diversifies in 2013

In 2013, the Brazilian solar thermal market grew significantly in both the unglazed segment of swimming pool absorbers and the glazed collector segment of solar hot water systems. According to […]

Liechtenstein: New and Innovative Collector Model

Exceptional cooperation begins in unusual situations. Dr Richard Senti, Chief Financial Officer of the Hoval Group, was part of the jury that evaluated the projects presented at the University of […]

Colombia: New Law Promises Tax Incentives

A new law has just provided the framework to offer renewable tax incentives in Colombia. The law will now be followed by a decree, which is expected to be finalised […]