Keyword: market development

Czech Republic: Vacuum Tubes on the Rise

The annual market report of the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade, MPO, confirmed two things: the big drop in annual market volume in 2011 and the increasing market share […]

Chile: Mining Sector May Be Solar Thermal’s Future

In September 2012, Chile´s Energy Ministry published a comprehensive study on the country´s solar thermal market. The company who had carried out the “Market study of the solar thermal industry […]

Austria: More and Less Successful Subsidy Schemes

Austria´s solar thermal market has come to depend a great deal on incentive programmes. The schemes in 2012, however, met with varying degrees of success. Demand was again great for […]

Germany: Schüco Closes Bielefeld Collector Factory

It was the beginning of December when German collector manufacturer Schüco International KG officially announced to close its collector factory in the German town of Bielefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia. The […]