Start-ups develop new high-temperature storage solutions

At the end of May, representatives for Norwegian EnergyNest, Swedish Azelio and US Malta joined a webinar organised by Spanish agency ATA Insights to talk about their companies’ innovative, cost-competitive […]

Large prefab SDH collectors: design and yields

Collector size is key when designing solar thermal systems for use in district heating and industry. Roughly speaking, the larger the individual collectors, the easier it will be to install […]

IEA Net Zero by 2050 Roadmap: 400 milestones but very

At an online press conference in May, IEA Executive Director Dr Fatih Birol made some surprisingly forceful statements about the global net-zero emission targets for 2050 – statements that have […]

Germany’s biggest solar-heated house nears completion

This summer, the first families will be able to move into Solardomizil III, Germany’s soon-to-be-largest showcase of residential solar thermal design. The multi-family property is being put up by FASA, […]