The interactive map on, a website operated by agency Easynet, shows yield information entered by more than 40 solar district heating companies. The data also includes the irradiation figures […]
The new seasonal pit heat storage Sunstore 4 is at the heart of Marstal´s extended solar district heating network. The town on the Danish island of Aeroe receives 55 % […]
Because of a lack of turnover, Danish collector manufacturer and turnkey solar thermal system supplier Sunmark had to file for bankruptcy on 10 February 2014. “We had had a hard […]
In the middle of October, Chile´s President Sebastián Piñera inaugurated the currently world´s largest solar thermal field with 27.5 MWth (39,300 m² of collector area). The system supplies heat to the […]
The first conference “Solar District Heating – Technical solutions, urban planning and business models” took place in the Swedish town of Malmö on 9 and 10 April 2013. It brought […]
In November 2012, the Norwegian power supplier Akershus Energi celebrated the inauguration of its new 13,000 m² solar district heating plant in the town of Lillestrøm close to Oslo. Built […]
From June 2013, the world´s largest collector field could be in Chile. The planned solar collector area amounts to 39,300 m², which would cover more than 80% of the heat […]
The famous beer brand Heineken has just placed an order for three big solar thermal plants that will produce the heat required for the brewery’s industrial processes at different company […]
Danish company Sunmark A/S has run a collector factory in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, since 2006. Over the years, the factory has been expanded to 14,000 m2 and is currently […]
The newly founded Danish company of Nordic Clean Energy (NCE) offers operators of district and local community heating grids all over Europe a feed-in of solar heat from large collector […]