Companie: S.O.L.I.D

Sun meets 90 % of district heat demand in Tibetan

On 29 and 30 October, the Solar Academy of the IEA SHC Programme held a 1.5-day training course on solar district heating in Lianyungang, at Sunrain Solar Energy’s headquarters. It […]

Austria: Tough Competition in a Shrinking Market

2012 meant shrinking sales figures in the Austrian solar thermal market for the third time in a row. Although most states have increased their subsidies for solar thermal, 2013 does […]

Singapore: 2.7 MW Cool College with 2,900 pupils

The solar thermal cooling plant at the United World College (UWC) in Singapore has now entered the commissioning phase. The system's collector surface covers an area of 3,900 m2; and […]

Solar Cooling Market to experience big Changes

According to Dr Uli Jakob, Vice President of the “Green Chiller - Association for Sorption Cooling”, the solar cooling sector may soon experience a shift from small series production of […]

Austria: Solar District Heating on the Rise in Graz

On the 15th of May, the city of Graz saw the inauguration of another large-scale solar thermal installation (from left): Dr. Wolfgang Messner (Graz AG), Andrea Pavlovec-Meixner and Sonja Grabner […]