Canadians benefit from a series of improvements that the federal supporting measures for solar thermal technology brought forth. First of all, the funding for the ecoEnergy Retrofit Homes Program – […]
Paid via interest-free credit: a solar water heater from the supplier Sergün, installed at a forest village.
One of 45,000 solar thermal installations on the island of Barbados was installed at the Oistins Police Station in 2008. Photo: Solar Dynamics
Over 6,300 solar water heaters are planned in Khayelitsha, the biggest informal settlement in Cape Town, South Africa. Photo: City of Cape Town
Modern Residential City for 25,000 people in 48 buildings on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi City, United Arab Emirates, shoud be supplied with solar heated water. Photo: Millennium Energy Industries
“Made in Germany” is a brand in Russia: These vacuum tube collectors from Sonnenkraft were shipped around half the globe to be installed on a single-family building in the far […]
Reducing the burden of the electricity load: a solar water heater in the city of Delhi. Photo: Koto Trade & Service The “Go Solar Go Green” campaign of the Delhi […]
There are a lot of places in Europe during the month of May where you can listen to highly regarded solar thermal speakers. Four solar thermal conferences will then take […]
Solar is everywhere in Hawaii: This is the Helemano Army Family Housing project of the U.S. army near the city of Wahiawa. It possesses more than 400 solar water heaters. […]
The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) estimates in its latest publication, “U.S. Solar Industry Year in Review 2008”, that the solar thermal market in the United States has grown by […]