The Portuguese government is campaigning for products ‘Made in Portugal’, in order to increase domestic demand. Soldirecto followed the call and started mass-producing solar thermal collectors this year. The company, […]
Thanks to a new online tool, Lisbon’s inhabitants are now able to determine the solar potential of their buildings’ rooftops. Lisbon’s so-called “Solar Potential Map” (Carta do Potencial Solar do […]
The first half of this year saw only 41,315 m² of solar thermal collector area installed in Portugal, a decrease of 35% compared to the same period last year. This […]
There are signs that the strong decline of the European solar thermal market reported over the last two years came to a halt in 2011 – at least according to […]
The famous beer brand Heineken has just placed an order for three big solar thermal plants that will produce the heat required for the brewery’s industrial processes at different company […]
In the last quarter of 2011, the Portuguese solar thermal market has seen a sudden spike in sales, allowing the newly installed collector area per year to surpass 125,000 m² […]
With the expansion to the United Kingdom and Switzerland, Sonnenkraft’s network of sales offices now spans across nine countries. When adding the company’s partnerships in other markets, the manufacturer is […]
The architectural integration of solar thermal collectors has long been a concern to the industry. Portuguese company Sunaitec has now patented a new solution for the residential sector. According to […]
One of the biggest Spanish collector manufacturers, Termicol, can still celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. The company has managed to counter the decline in the Spanish market by expanding […]
The historical downtown area of the Portuguese capital, known as Baixa Pombalina, has a collector area potential of 100,000 m2. This is the result of the study “Carta do Potencial […]