Country: Portugal

Customers Appreciate ‘Made in Portugal’

The Portuguese government is campaigning for products ‘Made in Portugal’, in order to increase domestic demand. Soldirecto followed the call and started mass-producing solar thermal collectors this year. The company, […]

Portugal: Market Drops Again in 2012

The first half of this year saw only 41,315 m² of solar thermal collector area installed in Portugal, a decrease of 35% compared to the same period last year. This […]

Portugal: Last Quarter Exceeds Expectations

In the last quarter of 2011, the Portuguese solar thermal market has seen a sudden spike in sales, allowing the newly installed collector area per year to surpass 125,000 m² […]

Spain: Export Helps Solar Thermal Industry Survive

One of the biggest Spanish collector manufacturers, Termicol, can still celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. The company has managed to counter the decline in the Spanish market by expanding […]