Country: Germany

Winners of the Quiz 2011

Second round of the quiz: The winners of 2011 were announced at the end of the ESTEC 2011 conference in Marseilles, France, on 21 October. The photo shows the […]

Sweden: Feeding Solar Heat into the Grid

In Sweden, it is not uncommon to feed solar heat into district heating networks. "After a bit of persuasion, most district heating companies will agree to buy the heat, but […]

Canada: District Heating with 90 % Solar Fraction

As Bruce Sibbitt, Engineer at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), announced during his presentation at the Solar World Congress in Kassel, Germany, in September, the solar district heating system at the […]

USA: Big Market for big Systems

In October, German company PAW GmbH & Co. KG is going to introduce its big solar stations to the US market. Sales Manager Lars Bergmann has realised a trend towards […]