Country: India

Solar steam ice cream and milk powder

India’s first-ever commercial concentrating solar thermal plant, which consists of parabolic trough collectors made by German supplier Protarget, has been running successfully at a dairy owned by Hatsun Agro Products. […]

Concentrating solar heat for dairies in India

A one-day workshop titled Solar – A Green Energy Alternate to Augmented Dairy Farmers’ Income has given stakeholders a chance to discuss how to increase solar heat use in India’s […]

Solar air conditioning at Swiss embassy in India

The Swiss embassy in New Delhi has expressed satisfaction with the performance of the solar thermal cooling system started up at the complex in early 2017. It was designed and […]

Successful solar energy bylaw in Bengaluru, India

Bengaluru Electricity Supply Company, a public utility also known as BESCOM, has been successful in implementing a bylaw to encourage the use of solar energy. Since 2009, 1,234 million m² […]

Freely downloadable SHIP installation photos

Planning to hold a presentation on the solar process heat potential in your country? Thinking about posting news articles to your website? Just go to, where you can find […]

Vacuum tubes with CPCs dominate SHIP market

Concentrating solar thermal technologies continue to flourish in India. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has reported to have received concentrating solar thermal applications worth more than 10,000 m2 […]