Six Pillar: Awareness Raising

#SolarHeat: the main Twitter hashtag

#SolarThermal or #SolarHeat: Which of these two Twitter hashtags or keywords better represents the production of thermal energy from sunlight? Because of some recent, large concentrating solar power (CSP) projects, […]

Solar-heated homes promoted on Austrian TV

National association Austria Solar has managed to bring solar-heated houses into the mainstream. On 9 November, Austria Solar’s Managing Director Roger Hackstock was interviewed for konkret, a consumer programme on […]

10th anniversary relaunch celebrates its 10th anniversary by relaunching in a brightly polished design. As the premier address for solar heating and cooling news, the website is a treasure trove of information about solar […]

Three November events to promote SHIP

A lot of efforts still need to be put into raising awareness about solar thermal technologies meeting industrial heat demand. But the good news is that there are three events […]

New technologies for solar cooling in industry

The aim of just launched HyCool is to present, in the form of two demonstration plants, new solar heating and cooling technologies for industrial use. The combination of state-of-the-art Fresnel […]

Freely downloadable SHIP installation photos

Planning to hold a presentation on the solar process heat potential in your country? Thinking about posting news articles to your website? Just go to, where you can find […]

Crowdfunding the Heat Changers campaign

The German Solar Heating Initiative has put together a crowdfunding project to fund a consumer campaign called Heat Changers. Its initiators, Marisol Oropeza and Stefan Abrecht (first and second image […]

India needs massive awareness-raising campaign

India’s opportunities and challenges around solar process heat for industry, or SHIP, were the central topic of a session at the 3rd Solar India Expo in May. First, representatives for […]