Brazil is going to implement compulsory certification of solar water heating (SWH) equipment in 2015. Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Mexico already have laboratories for testing, and Costa Rica has recently […]
The Plan Provincial Termosolar, which originated from the Plan Estratégico de Energía 2012-2025, promotes the use of solar thermal technology in several small towns in central Argentina’s San Luis Province. […]
To date, solar thermal energy has been a largely unregulated technology in Latin America. Most of the countries in the region are suffering from nationalised, uncoordinated and sometimes insufficient quality […]
Two years after the approval of the first local ordinance making it obligatory to install solar thermal systems in Rosario, Argentina, the regulation entered into force in September 2012 (see […]
Sometimes, it takes a while until good ideas are copied. This has been the case with solar/renewable building codes, which were invented in Israel more than 30 years ago. It […]
Non-profit organisation ASADES has been promoting renewable energies in Argentina for 35 years. Nowadays, it is coordinating the efforts of the participating groups. Just recently, it has also launched a […]
In July of 2011, the city council of Rosario - a city located between Buenos Aires and Santa Fé - agreed to establish a solar ordinance. However, to put it […]
An organisation to support solar energy in Argentina is the Solar City Network (Red de Ciudades Solares), which places the emphasis on solar water heating. Part of their work consists […]
One organisation to promote solar water heaters in Argentina is the NGO Forum for Social Housing and Energy Efficiency (Foro de Vivienda Social y Eficiencia Energética, FOVISEE). The first 33 […]
In Argentina, Jorge Follari of Innovar SRL observes a rising interest in solar thermal energy. The federal and the province governments support the installation of solar water heaters in rural […]