Country: Italy

Italy: Tax Credits extended but under worse Conditions

Photovoltaic and solar thermal systems competing for roof space in Italy's residential sector: Solar electricity is booming, and the 55 % tax reduction for solar thermal installations was just extended […]

“We were prepared for this Outcome”

In most of the National Renewable Energy Plans (NREAPs), solar thermal was not a priority. Only 8 countries announced significant collector area and growth rates. asked Xavier Noyon, Secretary […]

Sicily Invites the Solar Air-Conditioning Sector

“The positive trend of solar cooling applications is growing stronger”. This is the message of Professor Marco Beccali from the University in Palermo, who is Conference Chairman of the 3rd International […]

Washed Glass: 24-hour Just-in-Time Supply

Greenonetec in Austria is the first collector factory in Europe that has its own glass supplier next door. Petraglas set up a production unit just across the road. This is a […]