Country: China

China: Export Duties Push Up Vacuum Tube Prices

Whoever is purchasing vacuum tube collectors from China these days can certainly not complain about getting contradictory information: There are those suppliers which are already charging their clients 17 % […]

China: SHC 2014 and Solar Thermal Industry Exhibition

After San Francisco, USA, and Freiburg, Germany, this year’s venue for the International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry is going to be the Chinese capital, […]

China: Engineering Segment Drives Solar Thermal Market

The make-up of China’s solar thermal market is changing: The segment that used to guarantee the industry’s profits, the retail business of small thermosiphon systems for private households, has been […]

India: Government Stops Federal Subsidy Scheme

“Channel partners are free to sell on their own without subsidy from Government of India,” the office memorandum by the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy stated on 12 […]

China: No Sales Permit without Solar

In 2007, some provincial and city governments in China began to implement solar installation requirements. Since then, an increasing number of authorities at different administrative levels have made the installation […]