Six Pillar: Policy

Study on Solar Thermal Municipalities in Italy

The Italian “Renewable Municipalities Report 2009” is very likely the most comprehensive European study about renewable activities on a municipality level. It lists 2,996 Italian municipalities that are currently using […]

IRENA: Headquarters in the United Arab Emirates

“It was very important to us to offer IRENA a value proposition  by engaging with developing and developed nations alike,” his Highness Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of […]

Japan: A “Boom and Bust“ Solar Thermal Market

Japan was once leading in the solar water heater market. Although being one of the first countries to have solar water heaters installed in 1950, the solar water heater industry […]

Solar Building Codes in China

Solar systems on the balcony: This is the answer to the space problem in the mega-cities in the eastern part of China. Solar obligations force system suppliers to work on […]

Sweden: Increased Subsidy Budget

Solar roof in the Swedish city of Onsala: The increased subsidies in Sweden focus on larger collector fields – like the 220 m2 plant from 2005. Photo: Jan-Olof Dalenbäck

Difficult Task: Implementing Solar Building Codes in Italy

Orientation in the solar obligation jungle in Italy: The website of the EU-Project ProSTO gives advice and support to municipalities in Italy and other European countries to successfully implement solar building […]