Market sector: Solar District Heating

Global perspective on solar heating and cooling

Solar thermal is increasingly used to provide district heat around the world. In 2019, the market grew by about 170 % in Denmark but also expanded in other countries, such […]

Acquisition of strategic importance

This week, a historic acquisition took place in the solar heating and cooling industry. Greenonetec, the largest collector manufacturer in Europe, purchased key parts of the business of Danish-based Arcon-Sunmark, […]

Munich strengthens its climate targets

As part of the most recent Fridays for Future protests in late November 2019, a huge crowd of young people gathered in the centre of Munich in southeast Germany, calling […]

SDH prefeasibility studies for Serbian cities

Renewable district heating has become a hot topic in Serbia. The conference Renewable Energy Sources in District Heating and Cooling, held at the same time as the 50th International HVAC&R […]

Energy spatial plans ban fossil fuel heating in Vienna

Austria’s capital Vienna is one of several European cities that have announced wide-ranging plans to tackle climate change. In 2014, its council published a framework strategy, called Smart City Wien, […]

The Dutch approach to transforming the heating sector

How can the Netherlands organise the transformation towards a renewable district heating sector and what role will monopoly suppliers play in this process? Finding answers to these questions was the […]

Sabine Putz: Solar Heat for Cities

Europe follows the role model of Denmark were already more than 120 towns, villages and cities use solar district heating. Adapted seasonal heat storage concepts are the big challenge of […]