Search Results for: node/qualicert

Bärbel Epp is Founder and Director of the German communication and market research agency solrico and editor-in-chief of

Lebanon: Training Programmes for Solar Water Heating

...water heater systems, as well as a speech about lessons learned from installation mistakes by downloading the attachments on this node. UNDP-CEDRO, however, is not the only institution offering solar...

Slovenia: ECO Fund Issuing Grants and Low-interest Loans

...database of incentive programmes: The recognised investment costs include collectors, tank and relevant appliances, such as pumps and monitoring systems. The subsidy programme started at the beginning of this...

India: Emmvee Moves into New Collector and Tank Factory

...2010”. Agents for loans in this support scheme can be either private companies or banks (see more details in this node: The customers can pay back the loan within...