Solar heat market and industry info package 2022
The Renewables 2022 Global Status Report is a heavy publication. It aims to report comprehensively on nine renewable energy technologies and their market, industrial and political developments in 2021. This has resulted in another thick work of 312 pages with 69 graphics and tables. It is a challenge to find dedicated solar heat data in this huge report. That is why we have put together a solar heating info package that you can find below for download. It includes the key pages about the solar thermal sector from the Global Status Report as well as an Excel file with the related charts and the figures. If you check out this info package you will find some interesting trends, which we review briefly here.
Solar thermal gross additions in 2021 in the top 20 countries. Numbers on top of bars represent the rate of growth in annual sales relative to 2020. Additions for Austria and Israel refer to 2020 (latest data available). For Morocco, the share of collector types was not available. Source: RE21
- Annual sales grew at double-digit rates in several large solar thermal markets, including Brazil, France, Greece, India, Italy, Morocco, Poland, Portugal and the United States.
- In some large residential markets (such as Australia, Austria, China, France, Germany and Spain) solar thermal solutions continued to face fierce competition from heat pumps and biomass boilers, both of which offer stand-alone solutions for hot water and/or space heating.
- Large collector manufacturers benefited more than small manufacturers from the growing market and continued to consolidate their market positions. The 20 largest flat-plate collector manufacturers increased production by 15%.
- The global SHIP market 2021 saw controversial trends. In China the reported new SHIP projects reduced significantly, whereas the number of new SHIP plants outside China increased from 57 in 2020 to 64 in 2021.
- SHIP capacity under construction was dominated by higher temperature systems that use concentrating collector technologies. By the beginning of 2022 concentrating heat systems totalling 32 MWth were planned for commissioning in 2022, up sharply from the 9 MWth of concentrating heat capacity commissioned globally in 2021 for both the industrial and service sectors.
- An increasing number of SHIP technology suppliers provided heat delivery contracts (ESCO). Such ESCO projects were commissioned or under planning by, for example, Kyotherm/Newheat from France, Azteq from Belgium as well as Inventive Power and Modulo Solar from Mexico.
You can explore the interactive full report at https://www.ren21.net/gsr-2022/