Archives: News

Great Britain: Launch of the UK Renewable Heat Incentive

After considerable delays and uncertainty, the UK’s Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has been finally launched the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme on 28th November 2011. Solar heating […]

Swiss Bank Sarasin: World Market Reaches 45 GWth in 2011

This week, the Swiss Bank Sarasin published the 12th edition of their solar industry report, covering all three solar technologies: solar heating and cooling (ST), photovoltaics (PV), and concentrating solar […]

Austria: Bending and Laser Welding in One Production Step

Austrian collector manufacturer Tisun GmbH started operating a new type of absorber production machine at the beginning of November 2011. Developed and delivered by Austrian machine supplier DTEC GmbH, the […]

Portugal: Increase in VAT Rate in 2012

Apisolar, the Portuguese national solar association, expects a 30% decrease in newly installed collector area this year. The forecast until the end of 2011 is 127,000 m2 (89 MW), whereas […]

USA: Industry Joins Promotion Campaign for Solar Thermal

More than 20 solar thermal companies have joined Eneref Institute’s Solar Thermal Advantage initiative as sponsors since the initiative’s kick-off meeting in October 2011. The campaign was started five years […]